Seaweed Paper

Hello! After a long break! We already wrote an article about obtaining paper from algae, it became interesting to you - see here The technology turned out to be working. The technology for producing high quality white paper pulp from thread algae can be a substitute for replenishing the biomass of burned trees in Siberia and the flooded areas of the Far East, and protecting the ecological situation of water resources. Russian scientist Dimetry Bogdanov receives high quality paper pulp from blue-green algae. Compared to paper from wood pulp, paper from algae is more environmentally friendly (it does not need chemical bleaches, splitters), it is several times cheaper to produce (collecting algae is not difficult), it does not require expensive processing equipment. Currently, paper pulp is used in papier-mâché. The mass is easily fixed and holds its shape. After studies of the "blooming" of water at the ...